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For the planet

V.1.3 • 17.08.2023

The following content may as well be known as overthere.link’s general conditions of use, but also overthere.link's vision of how things should be when doing business on the internet.


The internet is emitting more CO2 than global air travel. It is using a lot of energy and as our devices and connections speed get always better, websites get heavier. It has to change. Zero-impact websites seem far fetched, but rethinking our creation process through simple gestures is a first step to get there while carbon offset should just become common sense.

With overthere.link, I want to provide a low consumption/impact service alternative to products such as link.tree or linkin.bio. I want profits to be used wisely and show a new a way to run a digital service.

Digital ethic

I had my share of working for idiotic projects with no care for the environment. From airlines to phony “revolutionary” IoT and useless e-commerce, with a little step back I now understand the power we have as creative, and know I want to use mine to do something a bit better than before.

As I’m writing this I’m working part-time at :ratio, an agency focused on UX Research based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Besides I’m a freelance, trying to make some extra cash so I can develop my own projects. Overthere.link is the first of them. It’s not a company it’s just a service I’m putting at the disposal of any person who wants to make the web a bit cleaner.

But what does overthere.link do concretly to be an ethical digital service?

In the limits of my design and development skills, it is optimized to be as lightweight as possible. Here are the principles applied to reduce the bandwidth usage, and so the energy required to load data and resources:

Please don’t get me wrong here: Offsetting is not the solution, it is a little thing we can do to fight climate change, but ultimately, we have to fight it by also reducing our carbon emission otherwise offsetting is just equal to putting a band-aid on an open fracture. And while some will argue that it is the role of our world leaders make place for changes: yet they have a bigger responsability, but it does not mean that we should just stay here doing nothing.

Finally, I know that some person will criticize those terms, maybe you. That’s alright. I’m convinced that I’m trying to accomplish something good and balanced, maybe it’s not perfect, but at least I'm trying. If someone is not happy with those terms, then this person should not use overthere.link and seek another service.

Nicolas Lanthemann, founder of overthere.link

  1. Servers, promotion from time to times.
  2. This amount will vary with the amount of money I gain from my freelance activities. My fear as an adult is to commit tax fraud by accident. Also I would not like to find myself in a position where I donated too much money and I don’t have enough left to pay taxes. Just trying to do the right thing.